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Re: Server Wipe in June/July?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:41 pm
by Duchess
Quetz are shit for attacking now, leave stuff the way it is.

Rockets are fine, to many rules and people will leave

I have so many hours investing in raising dinos its crazy.

Re: Server Wipe in June/July?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:43 pm
by Gambit
With my near 1500 hours i'm more proficient at ark then i am at my rl job.. lol

Re: Server Wipe in June/July?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 7:29 pm
by Diz
Duchess wrote:Quetz are shit for attacking now, leave stuff the way it is.

Rockets are fine, to many rules and people will leave

I have so many hours investing in raising dinos its crazy.

Yeah Quetz cant do much anymore they take so much damage from turrets its not funny if you want you want to tank turrets with a Quetz its a quick way to waste your time and get it killed.

They are more for convenience at the moment being able to put stuff on their platforms, carry a lot more than any other flying dino and have a decent amount of hp so they don't just get sprayed by alphas or high level carnivores.

Re: Server Wipe in June/July?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 7:48 pm
by Moondoggie
If a wipe is for a corruption issue, then I feel that is justified.
If a wipe is instigated by a new coming, statistic falsifying gnat who feels this will 'even the playing field' for them, it is by all means absurd.
I myself am new to the server and have had no issues with larger tribes enforcing dominance on the smaller, newer tribes.
The raiding restrictions, dinosaur killing, and several other rules make this one of the best servers I have played on in my 900 hours.
Older, larger tribes are this way, because they are committed to the game, enjoy the rewards of their invested hours, and don't quit like new whining players.
You will always have a disparity between players regardless of wipe time frames or raiding restrictions.
Also, if others feel that one person in particular is responsible for such a result, their time on the server will be a constant struggle.

There will always be room for improvement, but without an overwhelming amount of support for a wipe (currently only 50% with 45% against), I can't see why one should or would happen.

Re: Server Wipe in June/July?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 8:17 pm
by King_Kiff
I stopped playing as I was tired of the game in its current state. Good to hear things have changed as I was/am all for removal of the quetz as they are just over used for all things mining and transport. Previously raiding ment going out on 10+ quetz so I am glad that has changed.

I joined the server when its weekday evening players peaked around 20 and that's where I liked it. I wasn't very keen on all the new rule breaking players steaming in and then off the server, that's why I never up voted the server. I don't enjoy the game with 60+ people on the server. The map becomes cramped.

When I do start playing the game again I will be coming back to this server if it is still up.

-drop the pop cap to 50-55 and save your self the cash
-drop the TS channel, save your self the cash (everyone has one and most used to use Gambits channel anyway, there are other solutions)
-try some mods, the game has already gone corrupt on you twice and it wasn't due to mods. Might as well do it.

Re: Server Wipe in June/July?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 9:06 pm
by Captain Scooby
I agree with a lot of the regulars on here. I joined the server the weekend of the first wipe and have been playing ever since. I played through the BloodLust and Second Nature saga and saw many tribes come and go. I really like this sever due to the rules (some of them can probably be relaxed though like KOS rules).

I personally vote to keep the server running, but make some rule changes. I demolish bases whenever I come across them to try and keep the map clean as well. I heavily agree with King_Kiff. Drop the pop cap to save some cash, 60+ is way too many people. No point in TS either, most have their own. Mods may be cool :)

I personally never realised the importance of voting up the server and didn't realise how much Munki was paying, so now that I'm aware I'm happy to get my tribe to vote and keep on it.

Last wipe was only 2 months ago, which isn't a lot of time and pretty unfair for those of us who have put in heaps of time. A lot of misinformation has been placed on this thread by a 'CERTAIN SOMEONE' who only joined this server quite recently, so no idea why they seem to be so vocal, and I find it quite funny that they are acting as if they've been on this server for a long time (but each to their own I guess).

I'm a big fan of this server and of Munki. I'd just hate to see most of us who have put in the most amount of time on this server leave :(

Re: Server Wipe in June/July?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 9:20 pm
by DrunkMunki
King_Kiff wrote:Munkii;
-drop the pop cap to 50-55 and save your self the cash
-drop the TS channel, save your self the cash (everyone has one and most used to use Gambits channel anyway, there are other solutions)
-try some mods, the game has already gone corrupt on you twice and it wasn't due to mods. Might as well do it.

I pay $250 for the server, i can raise and lower the pop count at no expense
TS channel is also free, as i have a 512 free license
we shall see about the mods, again this for another post, feel free to post some suggestions in another topic and get people voting

Re: Server Wipe in June/July?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 9:25 pm
by DrunkMunki
Captain Scooby wrote:Last wipe was only 2 months ago, which isn't a lot of time and pretty unfair for those of us who have put in heaps of time.

I understand this is a lot of peoples positions, i dont like to wipe and i have tried everything technically possible to fix the save-game issue, and lag issues, and the only thing i have left to try is a wipe... if after the wipe there are still problems, i know for a fact that i have now tried everything and can ignore the naysayers and move on.

Re: Server Wipe in June/July?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 9:47 pm
by Jaysee
DrunkMunki wrote:i have tried everything technically possible to fix the save-game issue, and lag issues

What exactly is/are the issue/s? I have played many hours on this server and have no idea what the issue is, the only thing I notice is the save game lag every time the world saves, and that's constant on every server?

Re: Server Wipe in June/July?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 9:51 pm
by T3aSpoon
This server has the same amount of lag as any other server. People will complain about anything. Please Dont wipe it, ill have to start spending more time with my girlfriend if you do... :cry: