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Well, hey there!

Hello and welcome, why not introduce yourself. Even if its just to say Hi!
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Tribe: Talons
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Well, hey there!

Post#1 » Fri Apr 22, 2016 8:07 am

Hi guys! I'm returning to Ark after a bit of a break and bringing a friend along. (she actually did the research to find you guys) I'm really looking forward to kicking it as soon as everything is wiped (wish it was an 8AM reset lol got work all sunday QQ).

Got some plans to make a PvP Arena so that we can have a bit of a thrill without any grief like you would get with raiding sometimes. We're friendly types but I love a good fight! You'll probably see me scouting around the place, feel free to say hey/chat at me/throw rocks, however you roll!

Amon (Talons)

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Re: Well, hey there!

Post#2 » Fri Apr 22, 2016 8:21 am

Hey Amon,
Welcome back to ARK :)
i'm not sure if you're in Australia... but Monday is a public holiday :)
and base protection will be enabled this and next weekend, so you have plenty of time to ark-it-up.

and send thanks to your friend for finding us :)
For emergencies such as server going down email: drunkmunki[at]

Posts: 4
Tribe: Talons
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Re: Well, hey there!

Post#3 » Fri Apr 22, 2016 8:30 am

We're in adelaide and self employed. I have offspring. YOUR PUBLIC HOLIDAYS DO NOTHING! NOTHING!!!!! LOL. We're planning on grabbing a couple of low level pteras to watch the race. Maybe even do some running commentary as we watch!

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Re: Well, hey there!

Post#4 » Fri Apr 22, 2016 11:31 am

Amon-Si wrote:We're in adelaide and self employed. I have offspring. YOUR PUBLIC HOLIDAYS DO NOTHING! NOTHING!!!!! LOL. We're planning on grabbing a couple of low level pteras to watch the race. Maybe even do some running commentary as we watch!

I will be releasing the specator password, so u can fly around and watch or use the code to have an out of body experience, one of those rare days i lower some security.
For emergencies such as server going down email: drunkmunki[at]

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