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Esprit de Corps - what makes this server great.

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Ultimate Survivor
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Esprit de Corps - what makes this server great.

Post#1 » Sat Jan 14, 2017 10:32 pm

In the military and emergency services, in fact in any high risk occupation where you rely on your colleagues for safety, protection and support, there is a concept called 'Esprit de Corps' - a feeling of pride and mutual loyalty shared by the members of a group.

This loyalty and pride is what causes people to drop everything and come to the aid of their colleagues, not knowing the risk levels or any guaranteed outcome. I have relied on this many times in my career.

This servers' permanent population has a very strong Esprit de Corps. This was again demonstrated tonight when a rogue tribe broke multiple server rules, attacked and griefed a number of newer tribes, and then changed their tribe name repeatedly to avoid detection.

The call for help went over the global channel, and everyone dropped what they were doing, located the offenders and their base, and neutralised any further threat. The whole server population was pretty much in the air searching and fighting these clowns, to protect the smaller tribes. Even tribes that were having feuds and shit talk each other were working side by side for the good of the server.

That's why I cant walk away. It's not Ark that keeps me here, its the people.

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