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Suggestion: Scrub map to encourage pvp population

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Re: Suggestion: Scrub map to encourage pvp population

Post#21 » Thu Jul 20, 2017 11:04 am

So maybe we do step up the ORP and keep it at 50x next wipe along with a two map cluster.

Having shorter wipes will allow Munki to implement changes quicker before losing players. The only other recommendation I have is to change the orp cooldown to 30 minutes, having it at 5 minutes just allows players to combat log.

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Re: Suggestion: Scrub map to encourage pvp population

Post#22 » Thu Jul 20, 2017 12:14 pm

Stick wrote:So maybe we do step up the ORP and keep it at 50x next wipe along with a two map cluster.

Having shorter wipes will allow Munki to implement changes quicker before losing players. The only other recommendation I have is to change the orp cooldown to 30 minutes, having it at 5 minutes just allows players to combat log.

ORP will not kick in if people are within the radius of the ORP.
Or if damage is being done within the ORP itself.

It's 5 minutes of nothing triggering it at all.

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Re: Suggestion: Scrub map to encourage pvp population

Post#23 » Thu Jul 20, 2017 6:48 pm

I get where you are coming form Stick but I respectfully (in this instance) disagree. I'd say most of the Ark playing population never really hit the end game side of things and are even less likely if they only have 3 months or so to do it in. For "hardcore" players with experience and free time they will be reaching end game in a matter of weeks. But for others they could be looking at there first batch of 100% imprint dinos at wipe time once you factor in raid losses and the like.

I don't think there are enough of the hardcore players to populate a server like that unless we go all silly X100 settings. I've played those servers and they never last long.

Maybe don't play so hard and you won't reach the end game so fast, thus getting bored lol :P (I joke it's Ark after all)

Anyway I do think we need a happy medium and I kinda feel 6 months is it. No permanent dominance for anyone in particular and enough time for even the scrubbiest of scrubs to play the game through, for the most part.

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Re: Suggestion: Scrub map to encourage pvp population

Post#24 » Thu Jul 20, 2017 7:15 pm

There are virtually no servers out there that wipe every 6 months, most servers now run a monthly wipe even wiith 5/10/15x gather rates. The issue is that the server dies after 2 months, its happened since I have started and it still continues to happen now. I agree that people will still leave slowly after the first 3 weeks but at least it keeps it interesting. Having servers with 3-4 players on at a time is a bore for everybody.

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Re: Suggestion: Scrub map to encourage pvp population

Post#25 » Thu Jul 20, 2017 7:45 pm

Personally I believe that 4 servers on the cluster was the first mistake, I have always wanted Munki to do a cluster but that was more of the Island and SE or Center and SE, too many servers has meant a population spread thin. I also agree with Stick that wipes should be far more often, every 3 months at least, ideally every 2 months. Keep the fresh blood pouring in and you will probably find more people sticking around as finding a server without admin playing on is like condom in a nunnery.

The other thing I would like to say is don't keep a hope out that the player base is going to surge after the game gets full release. The same people that aren't willing to play ark in early access are most likely the same people that will buy the game then put 20 hours in it and call that a good attempt. Most people that are willing to put in the hundreds or thousands of hours ark requires are already playing the game.

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Re: Suggestion: Scrub map to encourage pvp population

Post#26 » Thu Jul 20, 2017 10:36 pm

Heres the thing, Ark currently is at an all time low of players, has fallen to 10th on most played games list (used to sit around tf2 for players) it now sits below things like football manager and warframe, the game is in a bad state its not just this community that has noticed the lack of players. Sure there are some good points as to what will and wont bring players and about the wipe cycle, in all reality what i feel is the best choice would be push through this all untill release and wipe on release day, this would more then likely bring a lot more players in as i am hoping for the games sake that people will be buying the game at its new $60 pricetag or w/e it is, a poll could then be opened to get the communities thoughts on the wipe schedule.

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Re: Suggestion: Scrub map to encourage pvp population

Post#27 » Fri Jul 21, 2017 6:56 am

Sanity wrote:Heres the thing, Ark currently is at an all time low of players, has fallen to 10th on most played games list (used to sit around tf2 for players) it now sits below things like football manager and warframe, the game is in a bad state its not just this community that has noticed the lack of players. Sure there are some good points as to what will and wont bring players and about the wipe cycle, in all reality what i feel is the best choice would be push through this all untill release and wipe on release day, this would more then likely bring a lot more players in as i am hoping for the games sake that people will be buying the game at its new $60 pricetag or w/e it is, a poll could then be opened to get the communities thoughts on the wipe schedule.

that price rise was a big mistake. I can't see them getting hardly any of the expected sales on PC they where hoping for.

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Re: Suggestion: Scrub map to encourage pvp population

Post#28 » Fri Jul 21, 2017 7:45 am

DrunkMunki wrote:I do like the idea, map dedicated to levelling and learning the game.
I can set the transfer so items cannot be transferred, so players can still tame and move dinos across, just not items, this would limit a lot of abuse.
could enable PvE on THAT particular server aswell, to stop people raiding bases, or use reduced structure protection.

curious on peoples thoughts.

If you don't let items be transferred people can't bring equipment for taming and armour and weapons, this would make taming high level things on ragnarok difficult.

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Re: Suggestion: Scrub map to encourage pvp population

Post#29 » Fri Jul 21, 2017 8:42 am

Tyss wrote:If you don't let items be transferred people can't bring equipment for taming and armour and weapons, this would make taming high level things on ragnarok difficult.

Just like every map, the resources to make those things are located on that map.

and FYI, ORP2 is maxed out at 50x, cant go any higher
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Re: Suggestion: Scrub map to encourage pvp population

Post#30 » Fri Jul 21, 2017 11:17 am

So can we all agree that the server should be wiped on release day? Its only 2 and a half weeks away so if this is what the majority of the players want please chime in.

Munki always provides fair warning to players and its around that time now if everyone agrees that a wipe should happen.

Maybe start another thread Munki asking whether the existing player base are interested in a wipe?

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