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Dark And Light

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Re: Dark And Light

Post#11 » Sat Jul 22, 2017 8:33 pm

Harry potter lol. i'd give it a go

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Re: Dark And Light

Post#12 » Sat Jul 22, 2017 10:10 pm

T3aSpoon wrote:Harry potter lol. i'd give it a go

looks like it, you can ride a broom!

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Re: Dark And Light

Post#13 » Sun Jul 23, 2017 10:53 am

After giving both a quick go, my 2 cents...

They both feel familiar, and would to anyone who's played ark and any fantasy mmo.

DnL unsurprisingly feels like an extreme fantasy total conversion for ark.
(same game interface/same engine/same owning company)
Pro - lots of content Con - load time/server lag (ark engine)
Progression is skill use -> skill experience unlocks.

CFWF feels like a fantasy mmo with building.
Pro didn't hit any lag Con feels very incomplete (only beta though)
Progression is level experience -> skill points unlocks.

Assuming you like fantasy and building bases I would think it comes down to whether you prefer survival games ark style (DnL) or mmo's (CFWF)

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Re: Dark And Light

Post#14 » Sun Jul 23, 2017 9:12 pm

So been trying to play Dark and light and the red/purple ring sky bug seems hard to fix and the offical servers seem to have 100+ ping

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Re: Dark And Light

Post#15 » Mon Jul 24, 2017 12:44 pm

Milhouse wrote:So been trying to play Dark and light and the red/purple ring sky bug seems hard to fix and the offical servers seem to have 100+ ping

Myself and a couple of other people have tried out and mucked around on official AU Knight 3 server. Ping was around 55 ish. I only played a couple of hours and enjoyed it. Game has promise. There seems to be a bug with one of the quests that I imagine will be ironed out soon as the game is very new. The initial load time was long (ish) but not as long as some other early access games I've tried *cough* Subnautica *cough*

Pros: I didn't really experience any noticeable lag, progression was pretty easy and logical once you worked it out
Game itself is rather pretty
I like the crafting and magic system
I can see huge potential in the game, and already has loads of content despite only being "30%" done
Enjoyable to play
I like the fact you can lure nasties to a town and have the guards pick them off if you are too low of a lvl to do the job yourself, also NPCs add a bit of extra 'life' to the game
Even on official, the game is no where near as much of a grind as ark imo (haven't tried to tame anything yet so can't comment in that department)

Cons: Id like some things like bedrolls and storage boxes to be attainable earlier in the game (may come later)
Ark wyverns are way better than DaL imo in both looks and animation
As mentioned above, initial load in time could be shorter but the game is very fresh and not optimised.
One quest that I know if seems bugged, and it's hard to sell to NPCs as they seem to work on a system where the NPCs can run out of money and don't refresh quick enough. This means another player can easily clean out a shop keeper so they have no money to buy your stuff

I can easily see these cons being sorted out though, as the game is VERY new. Overall I'd recommend it.

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Re: Dark And Light

Post#16 » Mon Jul 24, 2017 1:21 pm

I'm looking at setting up a server, worth it?
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Re: Dark And Light

Post#17 » Mon Jul 24, 2017 2:27 pm

DrunkMunki wrote:I'm looking at setting up a server, worth it?

I for one would play on that server for sure! I like the game a lot. Though doesnt look as nice on my pc seeing how its a bit of a potato

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Re: Dark And Light

Post#18 » Mon Jul 24, 2017 3:20 pm

DrunkMunki wrote:I'm looking at setting up a server, worth it?

Its always hard to tell so early on as to whether its worth it, if you did however set up a server, I would play!

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Re: Dark And Light

Post#19 » Mon Jul 24, 2017 3:23 pm

Stick wrote:
DrunkMunki wrote:I'm looking at setting up a server, worth it?

Its always hard to tell so early on as to whether its worth it, if you did however set up a server, I would play!

well i have copied over the 50GB files, just need to workout the startup commands and presto!
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Re: Dark And Light

Post#20 » Mon Jul 24, 2017 8:27 pm

DrunkMunki wrote:well i have copied over the 50GB files, just need to workout the startup commands and presto!

Its nooooot WORKIIIING!!! FFS, i have everything setup but the server wont show online :( how hard can it be, FAWK!!!!!!!!!!

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