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Few Suggestions

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Dino Tamer
Posts: 22
Tribe: The Immortals
Status: Offline

Few Suggestions

Post#1 » Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:54 pm

Just a couple of suggestions to put out there.

1: Lets have a raft race around the island with prizes (stuff tribes donate)

2: We could have a raft war, again with prizes for the winners.

3: An arena in the middle of the island (or somewhere kinda close to everyone) Where those who would like can pit their dinos against another tribes (again maybe with prizes). Could have a class thing so to keep things fair.

4: Maybe start a thread here (might be one already not sure) with cords to abandoned bases that people can leave the info to and Munki can destroy them when possible.

I think we all need a few things to do that might alleviate some raiding to a degree.

Anyway those are just my thoughts :)

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