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Public Access to Caves?

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Public Access to Caves?

Post#1 » Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:50 am

Hello to everyone of the ARK,

First I need to apologise for what may be a long read. Secondly, I'd like to point out that this may very well be my first time at bringing up an in-game "political matter", that may or may not affect everyone else on the server. I try to keep myself, and my tribe, out of these sort of "political matters", so bare with me, please.

I'm sure most of us are already aware of this, but I've only just noticed how more and more frequent it's gotten. I'm beginning to notice more and more of the Islands Caves are being blocked off by either someone's Gate, or a full on base surrounding the entrance, complete with Dinos, spike walls, fence walls and Gates.

My question is, Is this really fair to everyone else on the server?

I know that seems like an easy question to answer. On the one hand, yes it's fair since this is a PvPvE server and there are no rules anywhere saying that restricting access to caves is not allowed. But on the other hand, other players and tribes may find that they will struggle without that open access to caves and it's source of easy chitin and metal ore. Yes, I'm well aware there are other sources that can be exploited for these resources, such as the mountain tops and slopes for the metal ore, and scorpions that wander the island for the chitin.

I know most of the owner's of these blockades are friendly about all this, and that they will grant access to the caves, but do we really have to wait around, reschedule our playtimes to coincide with the owners, or simply go without access, just so we can visit these caves?

Maybe I'm in the wrong here and this could just be an outburst at finding our regular cave being blockaded by another tribe, of which we have left open for everyone to use, we've even placed refineries and a smithy down in it for everyone's convenient use.

I have to admit, this is a very sound tactical move, placing a restriction on access to these caves, is a pretty good idea. I would have done it myself to our regularly used cave sooner, but I didn't want to cause any trouble that it may bring with other players and tribes.
Without sounding like I'm going to just outright attack them for it, I do find that blocking access to a cave, is just asking to be attacked. Caves are usually regularly visited and having a blockade on a cave, will surely invite players to use this as an excuse to attack the blockader. Maybe this was the intention?

I'm sure I'm not the only one on the server that's a little upset about the restrictions being placed on these caves, having to wait for the owner's permission to go inside, or have to work out a more aggressive method of gaining access.

Ok, apologies for the wall of text here, I just try to be as detailed about what I'd like to discuss as I can. Thoughts, anyone? Is this worth discussing?


Dino Tamer
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Re: Public Access to Caves?

Post#2 » Sat Jul 18, 2015 4:10 pm

I know of at least one cave that was blocked to prevent us from entering it. More fool on them. We don't use caves. Haha!

Anyway, next update will make structures in caves take 8x damage. Soooo... There's that. Just blow the doors off. That's what we will be doing if we ever decide to go into the cave.

You should take not of the people who intentionally block off a cave. Even if they are "friendly" about it. Trust who you will at your own risk.

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Re: Public Access to Caves?

Post#3 » Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:21 pm

Just a thought ... as i wont get involved but offering some solutions... you can;
a) trade with the cave dwellers
b) organise a resistance and attack them
c) find alternate methods of obtaining resources
d) ally with them

If caves are blocked off for no reason (e.g just a wall and nothing behind it), i find this unfair and will remove it as its just trolling players and has no in game use.
I just checked the caves, some are being used, some are blocked off (with bases) ... but some aren’t even being used

I have removed some gates and informed the players, if you do not use the cave as a base, do NOT block it off... there is NO reason for you to prevent other players from using the cave.

If you have a problem, please message me on this forum privately and i will talk with the owner and investigate.
For emergencies such as server going down email: drunkmunki[at]

Dino Tamer
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Re: Public Access to Caves?

Post#4 » Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:35 pm

Sorry psi you talking about the 50/50 mainly?

We gave your tribe the code whether they passed it on or not but i was the understanding you had it. oh well :P

Yeah new update
* In PvP, structures within caves/cave-entrances now take 6x damage (server modifiable setting)

Maybe munki can put a poll up for the damage multiplier maybe increase it?

What damage multiplier within caves/cave entrances should be implemented?

6x (Basic)
0x (Previous Setting To V187

Would be nice.

Sorry for any inconvenience PSI

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